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本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的OmniGraffle绘图技巧视频教程,Digital-Tutors Developing Rapid Interactive Prototypes in OmniGraffle,时长:1小时37分,大小:440 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:OmniGraffle, 作者:Tim Schmidt,共10个章节,语言:英语。
OmniGraffle是由The Omni Group制作的一款绘图软件,其只能于运行在Mac OS X和iPad平台之上。它曾获得2002年的苹果设计奖。OmniGraffle可以用来绘制图表,流程图,组织结构图以及插图,也可以用来组织头脑中思考的信息,组织头脑风暴的结果,绘制心智图,作为样式管理器,或设计网页或PDF文档的原型。它具有采用拖放的所见即所得界面。所谓的"Stencils"—一组用于拖放的形状—可以作为OmniGraffle的插件使用,用户也可以创建自定义的Stencils。
Digital-Tutors Developing Rapid Interactive Prototypes in OmniGraffle
Throughout this OmniGraffle tutorial we’ll create a low-fidelity prototype that can be used to help us quickly convey and communicate an idea.
OmniGraffle is a creation tool packed with features to help you create sketches, wireframes, graphs, figures or anything inbetween. We’ll successfully build our low-fidelity prototype by leveraging various tools and features within OmniGraffle.
By the end of this OmniGraffle training, you should have a strong understanding of stencils, shared layers, and actions within OmniGraffle, as well as some best practices when socializing our prototype.