本教程关于Solidworks完全自学基础训练频视频教程,时长:1小时46分,大小:2.5 GB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:SOLIDWORKS,作者:Justin Flett,共32个章节,语言:英语。
SolidWorks为达索系统(Dassault Systemes S.A)下的子公司,专门负责研发与销售机械设计软件的视窗产品。达索公司是负责系统性的软件供应,并为制造厂商提供具有Internet整合能力的支援服务。该集团提供涵盖整个产品生命周期的系统,包括设计、工程、制造和产品数据管理等各个领域中的最佳软件系统,著名的CATIAV5就出自该公司之手,目前达索的CAD产品市场占有率居世界前列。
Get started with SOLIDWORKS Composer, and discover how to leverage this software to generate technical documentation, publications, and animations. Develop fundamental SOLIDWORKS Composer skills by learning a variety of essential topics. Learn about generating images and animations of your products for technical documentation and publications, as well as technical marketing purposes. Explore how to set up cameras and views, add lines and textures, create simple animations, and output video and images.
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