alin 发表于 2017-3-14 21:56:50


本视频教程是由CreativeLive机构出品的Photoshop高级修饰技法视频教程第三季,creativeLIVE Photoshop Week Channel 1 Day 3,时长:6小时24分,大小:1.96 GB,格式:MP4高清视频,官方发布日期:2013年,包含13位讲师,40个类篇幅,语言:英语。人人素材网整理发布。


Dave Cross - 为什么要循规蹈矩的工作

Dave Cross - 灵活快速的工作

Khara Plicanic - 未知文件格式
谁说文件格式不能丰富多彩?大家关于文件的格式有各种各样的困惑。比如 JPG, PSD, TIF, PNG, EPS, PDF,等等。为什么你总是选择一个固定的格式而不是其他格式呢?学习理解Photoshop中各种格式不同的地方和运用。

Dave Cross - 解决常见问题
发布你的问题照片,Dave Cross 将会用不同的思路来解决他们!这对你的平时日常工作是一个长见识的机会



creativeLIVE Photoshop Week Channel 1 Day 3
Join us for the first big Photoshop conference on creativeLIVE! We're bringing the best instructors to teach you all about the most powerful graphic tool around: Adobe Photoshop. Whether you're using it for the first time or ready for its deeper hidden functions, we have classes for you: retouching and compositing, workflow and automation, text and brushes and painting and much more!

Channel 1 Day 3
Dave Cross - Why Work Non-Destructively
Lots of people suggest working non-destructively but don’t really explain why. This session will show both how to and why work non-destructively, and will cover both the best methods to use, and how they can help you. We’ll cover Layers, Masks, Adjustment Layers, and introduce Smart Objects and Smart Filters.

Dave Cross - Work Smarter Work Faster
Everyone wants to work more efficiently (even if you charge by the hour) and this session will show you a ton of ways to get more done in less time. We’ll cover some powerful built-in automated commends, actions and some not-so-obvious ways of speeding up your work. (And because Dave loves Smart Objects, he’ll throw in some more examples of why Smart Objects and Smart Filters ROCK)

Khara Plicanic - Understanding File Formats
Who says file formats can't be sexy? People get all kinds of confused about file formats. JPG, PSD, TIF, PNG, EPS, PDF, etc. What's the difference and when/why would you choose one particular format over another? Learn to understand your options within Photoshop!

Dave Cross - Fixing Common Problems
Submit your problem photos and Dave Cross will show different strategies to fix them! This is a chance to see real world solutions to your real world Photoshop problems.

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[url=《Photoshop高级修饰技法视频教程第三季》 (900 MB)]《Photoshop高级修饰技法视频教程第三季》 (900 MB)[/url]
[url=《Photoshop高级修饰技法视频教程第三季》 (900 MB)]《Photoshop高级修饰技法视频教程第三季》 (900 MB)[/url]
[url=《Photoshop高级修饰技法视频教程第三季》 (307.56 MB)]《Photoshop高级修饰技法视频教程第三季》 (307.56 MB)[/url]

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