本视频教程是由Infiniteskills机构出品的Photoshop Elements 11综合训练视频教程,Infiniteskills Learning Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 Training Video,时长:12小时30分,大小:3.33 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Photoshop Elements 11,作者:Andy Anderson,官方发布日期:2012年9月26日,共17个章节,语言:英语。
Adobe Photoshop Elements是Adobe公司是继Photoshop之后全新推出的图像编辑、照片修饰和 Web 图形解决方案。它界面友好,易于使用,功能强大。具有简单而快捷的操作方式、直观的效果预览、图像智能处理的集成等全新特性,软件专为业余摄影师、摄影爱好者和商务用户设计,无需掌握太多的专业知识,就可以轻松地对照片进行修饰加工。或编辑成精美的图片通过电子邮件发送给自己的亲朋好友,还能够发布到网上,供更多的朋友欣赏。
它的操作界面和功能与Photoshop没什么较大的区别,但有一些不同:该产品增加了Map View功能,该功能可把图片和卫星地图链接,用户可将摄影地点标注在地图上,不过目前可以标注的只有美国地图。同时用户可通过该产品访问Flash的图片库,与其他用户共享图片。
Photoshop Elements 11拥有可完美改变黑白照片曝光的工具Adjust Color Curves,有简单修正照片歪斜的功能。如果你不是图像处理的专业人士,但又希望制作出具有专业水准的图像效果,那就学学Adobe公司的这款容易使用、功能强大的图像编辑、照片润饰和Web图像创作软件Photoshop Elements吧。
Infiniteskills Learning Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 Training Video
In this Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 training course, expert Andy Anderson teaches you about the tools and techniques that are available in this powerful software used for managing and editing your photos. More than just the basic photo organizer it once was, Elements includes tools to manage, edit and enhance your digital photographs.
You will start learning Photoshop Elements 11 in this tutorial from the very basics, with no prior knowledge assumed. Andy starts this course by showing you where all your tools and panels are located, and how to access them. You will learn how to import your images to the organizer and how to use that to find your images quickly and easily. Some of the techniques and tools covered are - cropping, straightening, whitening teeth, removing red-eye, color balancing, working with layers, working with camera RAW files, filters, adding text, distortion, and much, much more - over 12 hours of video based training in all!
By the end of this training course, you will have a clear understanding of how to use the powerful tools available to you in Photoshop Elements 11 to organize, manage and manipulate your digital image library. Extensive working files are included to allow you to work with the same source files the author does throughout the training course.
