本教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Edge Animate基础入门训练视频教程,Digital-Tutors Your First Day in Edge Animate,时长:1小时5分,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Edge Animate, HTML5,作者:Alex Hernandez,共9个章节,语言:英语。
Adobe Edge是adobe公司的一款新型网页互动工具。允许设计师通过HTML5、CSS和JavaScript制作网页动画。无需Flash。
Adobe Edge的目的是帮助专业设计师制作网页动画乃至简单游戏。目前该工具的重点放在动画引擎上,但未来将增加更多HTML5功能,比如Canvas、HTML5音频/视频标签等。支持Android、iOS、webOS、黑莓PlayBook、Firefox、Chrome、Safari和IE9等各个平台。Adobe目前在网站上提供Adobe Edge的免费公测预览版产品下载(需注册Adobe ID),该软件将于2012年正式推出。
其实,Adobe Edge并不会替代Flash。该软件只是为网页设计人员提供了一种工具,帮助他们在不支持Flash的设备(比如苹果iOS设备)上制作网络动画。
Adobe Edge项目负责人马克·安德斯(Mark Anders)在接受电话采访时表示,应开发者的要求,Adobe推出了新的非Flash软件。他表示:“开发者社区确实希望有这样的软件。”
Digital-Tutors Your First Day in Edge Animate
In this series of tutorials, we will be getting familiar with what you can do in edge animate. We will start by getting acquainted with the tools and panels in edge animate. Then we'll learn how to create elements on our stage and add keyframes to their properties to create animations along the timeline. We'll talk about ways to improve the movement of our animations like creating motion paths and adding easing to our keyframes. We'll go over how we can import elements to our project like logos and graphics and also explain how to add interactivity to these elements by creating actions. We'll also go over how to change the appearance of the cursor to help the viewer understand what to expect from the element. We'll create responsiveness for our project so the browser size controls the appearance of our site and we'll wrap it up with figuring out how to work with html5 video in our site.
[url=Edge Animate基础入门训练视频教程.rar (332 MB)]Edge Animate基础入门训练视频教程.rar (332 MB)[/url]