admin 发表于 2017-4-5 15:23:44

[Library] Add an option in the preferences to hide/display PSD layers
[Parameters] Allow user data to be on multiple lines
[Graph] Add a preference option to render comments at constant size
[Graph] Add a preference option to disable new node display in 2D View
[Performances] Pixel Processor performances boost on DX10 engine
[3D View] Add tessellation to PBR shaders
[3D View] Add simple opacity to PBR shaders (no face sorting)
[Content] Add Vray/Corona/Redshift/Arnold targets to the PBR converter filter (to convert maps for these renderers)
[Content] Add "Detail Oriented" technique to Normal combine filter

Bug Fix:
Crash when opening sbs with empty dependency
Link to PSD layers are broken after package reload
[Functions] Nested functions break type safety
[Functions] Labels and Groups and Descriptions are not displayed
[Functions] Crash when copy/pasting from a deleted function
[Graph] Material link broken with sbsar graphs
[Graph] Creating multiple bitmap node from resources make the node stacked on each other
[Graph] comment item not created in the right position when child of a node
[Graph] Long comments block region selection
[Bakers] Tangent Space Normal map bakes black on Mac
[Parameters] Visible If does not work when input name contains "-"
[Parameters] Step value in Input Parameters ignored if below 0.01
[Library] "Visible in library" tag is not taken into acount for sbsar  访问密码 40ea
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查看完整版本: substance designer三维纹理材质绘画软件V 5.2.0 build_16375版